Saturday, May 20, 2017

Importance of Google Analyitics

Google Analytics

How does the Google Analytics work?
Importance of Google Analytics

Google Analytics is a software that is connected to your website through a piece of tracking code. This is a small piece of Javascript code that is made within your analytics account. The account holder generates this code and then places it into the HTML back end of their site.

How can I monitor traffic on my website?

Get help for the new Google Sites.
Step 1: Link a Google Analytics account to your site. To track traffic to your site, link a Universal Analytics account to your page. Go to the Analytics site. ...
Step 2: Turn on Google Analytics tracking for your site. Open your website in Google Sites. Click More options Manage site.

What is Page depth in analytics?

Page depth is the average number of pages that your visitors view during a single session. Average page depth data is part of the user behavior report in Google Analytics.


Integrated with AdWords, users can now review online campaigns by tracking landing page quality and conversions (goals). Goals might include sales, lead generation, viewing a specific page, or downloading a particular file.
Google Analytics' approach is to show high-level, dashboard-type data for the casual user, and more in-depth data further into the report set. Google Analytics analysis can identify poorly performing pages with techniques such as funnel visualization, where visitors came from (referrers), how long they stayed and their geographical position. It also provides more advanced features, including custom visitor segmentation. citation needed
Google Analytics e-commerce reporting can track sales activity and performance. The e-commerce reports show a site's transactions, revenue, and many other commerce-related metrics.
On September 29, 2011, Google Analytics launched Real Time analytics. clarification needed
A user can have 100 site profiles. Each profile generally corresponds to one website. It is limited to sites which have a traffic of fewer than 5 million page views per month (roughly 2 page views per second) unless the site is linked to an AdWords campaign.
Google Analytics includes Google Website Optimizer, rebranded as Google Analytics Content Experiments.
Google Analytics Cohort analysis feature helps understand the behavior of component groups of users apart from your user population. It is very much beneficial to marketers and analysts for successful implementation of Marketing Strategy.

Friday, May 19, 2017

Important SEO Onpage Optimization Tips

SEO Onpage Optimization

seo onpage optimization tips

A title tag is an HTML element that specifies the title of a web page. Title tags are displayed on search engine results pages (SERPs) as the clickable headline for a given result, and are important for usability, SEO, and social sharing. (Title should be3-10 words Pixel width is 512 nearly 70 characters, but it is better to be 55-60 characters. Always use non-capital words to reduce the width of pixels. The sentence should not have any spelling mistakes, grammatical errors or repetitions.

The meta description is a 155-160-character snippet, a tag in HTML, that summarizes a page's content. Search engines show the meta description in search results mostly when the searched for phrase is contained in the description. Optimizing the meta description is a very important aspect of on-page SEO. Mar 22, 2017. If you are making a blog, the characters should not be above 155 because the date will appear in the meta description section. If the write-up is giving focus to the keywords it will be too good. But you should not stack too many keywords in meta description. The maximum pixel width is 1024, the sentence should be precise, accurate, attractive, unique and free from grammatical and spelling mistakes.

The h1 tag should contain your targeted keywords, ones that closely relate to the page title and are relevant to your content. The maximum words should not exceed 7-8 + keyword matching with the page. There should not be more than one H1 in one page.

The h2 tag is a subheading and should contain similar keywords to your h1 tag. Your h3 is then a subheading for your h2 and so on.
If the web pages are arranged in such a fashion that the google could not identify the Tag Title, Mega description, Hi, or H2, it will keep aside the content in a place called Sand Box.

Anchor Text Optimization

Anchor text is the clickable text in a hyperlink. SEO best practices dictate that anchor text be relevant to the page you're linking to, rather than generic text. The blue, underlined anchor text is the most common as it is the web standard, although it is possible to change the color and underlining through html code. It is third visible portion in the content apart from h1 and h2 and it should not be  in focusing keywords. 

Image optimization in SEO 

Image optimization Google identify images by alt.text in image property.

seo onpage optimization

Content. This is the text that you see and read on a website. What is involved with Content Optimization? The process of making your website's home page or a particular page on your website more attractive to search engines and users is called optimization. It is better to make it simple, not exceeding 20 words in a sentence. If the first word in the sentence is related with the keyword it will be more beneficial. The presence of key word in the content helps the SEO in a positive way. But stacking of keywords will attract negative results. Is it good to place keyword in Bold letters in the content? The answer is yes as well as no. The reason is if it is placed in an appropriate place in Bold letters it is yes. If it pasted in the areas where it has no relevance, then it bounces back the results.

I have already published about the history and evolution of SEO in my previous blog post. You may please refer to your friends this helpful tips who are more needful to learn about the SEO Onpage optimization tips.

Wednesday, May 17, 2017

SEO History, Evolution and Important Updates

Search Engine Optimization

The Search Engine
The Search Engine has three functions Crawling, Catching, and Indexing.
Crawling- This is the scanning part of the search engine it scans each and every word of the web page and takes a snap shot of it.
Catching- This is the recording part, which records each and every minute part of a web page and saves it.
Indexing -  This is the categorizing part of it, it categorizes the subjects and inculcate into the suitable index where it is appropriate.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) has some connection with the down fall of City Center of New York on 9/11/2001.  When the structure was crashed, there was numerous enquiries related with the incident. The Google was not able to give appropriate information about the queries of the people.  This happened because the web sites related with the city center where not tuned with the Key words of Google. In this juncture the management of Google made a decision to inform the webmasters about the suitable key words and the content to be specific that is to be presented for each category or subject. Thus how the birth of keywords came into effect. This lead to many manipulations like stacking of key words, putting key words simply in the body invisible to the reader and so on which compelled to penalized by the google. As the things came like this google changed its strategy from keywords to links. This is a system that if our web page has links to other popular sites we get credit or ranked in the toppers list.  As we know people always look for the loopholes, many links started to different sites which has no connection with the subject. This has started to question the integrity of google, which again brought more rules and regulations, leading to a system, which only links to the web pages which has rankings by the google is permitted. Now the things changed, what happened is the web pages which has rankings started selling their webpages for few dollars to other web sites. This has led to a system of passing the juice Seo. This can be explained in a manner like if a water tank has an 8 inch pipe for the inlet connection and 2inch for out let connection there will be always water in the water tank, means those web sites which has sufficient inward links only could give outward links. This link building technique still had problems because always a web page need to give links to many sites, this led to either passing the juice or giving attribution to the other sites. For this google came with an antidote, by giving a code – rel= “nofollow”> this means the credit of our web site will not pass to the other site, still link will be created.

Google AdWords – PPC (pay per click) is an advertising system of google in which the ad of any product can be given by making a payment. For eg. The ad of Samsung could be given by google by receiving an advance payment.  Whoever click the ad will reduce the deposit money payed by Samsung to google.  This is pay per click.

Google AdSense: -  is a system like affiliate marketing where the sticker of a company will be pasted (advertisement) in our web page provided by google and if there is any click we will get money from google as well as google will be also benefits from it.

Search Engine Personal Help: This comes in one of the advanced evolutionary process of    google started for helping people in searching various subjects like if we type Kerala-   it automatically gives Kerala University, Kerala tourism, Kerala High court and so on.

Users interaction: – This is managed by using cookies, if a user closes the web page within seconds the rating may come down. Also if the users spend long time in a webpage the rating increases.

Pogo Sticking:
pogo sticking

After coming to a webpage and again if you click back it means that you are refusing that page or avoiding that page or you are not getting the required content from that page. This also bring down the position of the page in the ranking.

Bounce Rate:
If a web page is open and the user is not going deeper into the pages, here also the chances of negatively affecting the rating is unavoidable.

Social Media Signals (2009-2010)
There is a contradiction in this subject, some search engines like Bing are of opinion that the comments, likes and sharing of Social Medias like Facebook and Twitter are influenced in the ranking of SEO, but Matt Cutts in his presentation clearly emphasis that the interactions of social medias are not much affected by google rankings. The reason could be the google was banned from crawling Facebook for few months. But still it is believed by the webmasters that the social medias have an upper hand in the ranking of SEO.

Google Panda (2011)
google panda update

Google Panda was mainly introduced with an intention of finding duplication, coping, content with low quality, content spamming, spelling and grammatical errors, typographical errors, garbage content, thinning pages with no content or irrelevant content, content spinning and content duplication within the web page. Also Panda’s different versions came into effect during 2011-2014.

Google Penguin: Google launched the Penguin Update in April 2012. This was against Link Spamming Paid Ling low quality link etc. with an intention of enhancing the google ranking.
google penguin update
Google Pigeon:  Google Pigeon is a keyword that refers to a set of rules update for Google's Local Search engine, the purpose of providing a more beneficial and related knowledge for searchers looking for local results. If we type SEO Kochi, the SEO related business establishments in Kochi will be presented in a systematic order.

Hummingbird: It is also capable to evaluate context—in that way deciding the objective of a person carrying out a search, to fix what he is seeking to find out. This model is called semantic search., "Google said that Hummingbird is paying more attention to each word in a query, ensuring that the whole query—the whole sentence or conversation or meaning—is taken into account." A content strategy should be designed to answer their needs, not just provide them with facts." Eg. If you type the noble prize winners of 2015 you will get all the noble winners of that year.
google hummingbird update
In a nutshell, think about why people are looking for something rather than what they are looking for. A content strategy should be designed to answer their needs, not just provide them with facts." Eg. If you type the nobel prize winners of 2015 you will get all the noble winners of that year.

Story telling in SEO:
It is a unique way of presenting things which gives more satisfaction to the user by organizing the subject in the form of a story in an enjoyable way of presentation. It is also considered to enhance the ranking rate.

Rank Brain 
RankBrain is Google’s name for a machine-learning artificial intelligence an algorithm which attempts to make the query into words or groups of words that have the finest matching to it. Hence, RankBrain tries to work out what people intend and records the results, which adapts the results to provide better user satisfaction. It is also known as an advanced version of Hummingbird.

Mobilegeddon  (2015-16) As the searching trend of the users has changed into mobile phones instead of desktops laptops and tablets, the web pages which are not mobile friendly noted to be ranking down, hence the present web builders are making their web pages in a format that is suitable for smart phone also.

Pirate updation
Pirate updation works as a purifier which was launched in 2012 with an intention of counteracting to web sites which has violated copyrights.